How to create the Ultimate Open Plan Living Space

How to create the Ultimate Open Plan Living Space

  When I was living in my flat with a young toddler, our kitchen was a separate room. This made things really difficult when my little one wanted to run around while I was making something to eat. And how I wished I could just let him roam around while I was trying to...
5 Inspiring Ideas to re-use and refresh your old furniture

5 Inspiring Ideas to re-use and refresh your old furniture

  Last week saw a large amount of snow falling over here in London and in most of England. It has been a really lovely change from the grey clouds and rain that have been looming over us. As I was sitting at home in front of our fireplace with fluffy white flakes...
7 Reasons to have a Well Designed Home

7 Reasons to have a Well Designed Home

As the weather turns colder with a chance of more snowfall over here in London, I am so very tempted to just stay indoors and watch the day go by. Being a homebody, this is my ideal situation. Sitting on the sofa, reading the latest interior’s book or magazine and...