Last week saw a large amount of snow falling over here in London and in most of England. It has been a really lovely change from the grey clouds and rain that have been looming over us. As I was sitting at home in front of our fireplace with fluffy white flakes slowly drifting down to settle in our garden, it got me thinking about perspective. 
So often in winter it feels like the grey clouds can overtake us and the winter is going to go on forever, but then a subtle change in the weather like snow happens and we are instantly lifted.
I think that it can be the same with the old furniture in our homes. Sometimes we can feel that our homes are always going to be in that constant state of chaos, clutter and mess and that we are always going to hate that TV console that our parents “gifted” us when they were moving house or that leather armchair that your partner loves but you hate. But the reality is that with a new perspective, and a little change we can choose to make those items work within our home. Here are some idea’s that might help.
  • Re-paint any wooden furniture that might not be working with your scheme in the room. These days there are so many different paints on the market and you can easily re-paint that piece of furniture to give it a new lease of life. You could also strip back the furniture to see what the wood looks like underneath and then give it a light varnish to give it a nice natural look.
  • Give the room a good clear out and donate to charity any items that you no longer need or use. The first thing you should do before you even think about the design of a room is to clear out any clutter. You will find that the room will reveal itself and give you a new perspective.
  • Change the furniture layout in the room. By having a play around with the existing furniture you have and moving it around the room, it helps you to see new views. For example if you move a chair so that it sits opposite a window, you get a view of the outside instead of into the room or if you move a small table to next to your sofa, it can double as storage for display such as books or be a place to put your cup of tea.
  • Move furniture to another room. This is a really effective way to get a new perspective on something that has always been in the same place. That armchair in your bedroom, might actually look better in your reception. Or that lamp you have in your TV room might look really lovely in your kitchen. Why not give it a try?
  • Think outside of the box. Often times we think that a particular item can only be used as that item. But really it can be used for multiple purposes. In my home for example, I use an extra large metal planter as a laundry basket and our shoe storage cabinet is a console designed for dining rooms. The image attached to this post uses vintage boxes for storage and old scaffold boards have been re-purposed into shelving for display. When you think outside of the box in terms of uses, it opens up a world of alternative options for you.
Till next time,
P.S. If you would like to get some help with design ideas and inspiration with a community of supportive home loving people, please feel free to join our Facebook Group –Interior Advice & Home Decorating Tips – The Laidback Home.  In this group, we will provide you with support, inspiration and idea’s for how you can create your own Laidback Home.