As the weather turns colder with a chance of more snowfall over here in London, I am so very tempted to just stay indoors and watch the day go by. Being a homebody, this is my ideal situation. Sitting on the sofa, reading the latest interior’s book or magazine and letting the weather be cold outside while I’m warm and wrapped up under my cosy throw.
It is during these times that I realise how important it is to have a home that is designed for the things you love to do. In my home, it is important that all the furniture is comfortable, that I have a blanket at the ready and my design books within easy reach.
This is why I’m always saying that it’s so important to create a home that reflects you and what you love to do. If you love to cook, then focus on creating the perfect kitchen and dining area so you can enjoy the food. If you have a tendency to work on your laptop while in bed (as my latest client does) then make sure that you have a small table that can house your laptop and accessories and good accessible lighting.
Interior design is not just about just having a beautiful space, it should bring your joy.
Here are 7 reason’s why your home should be well designed:
  • You will create a place that you want to hang out in and if you choose for your family and friends to hang out in also
  • Everything in your home will bring you joy, because you will only have the things that you love or use in it
  • Your home will become your sanctuary and retreat and when you come back to it after being away, you will feel a sense of relief rather than dread
  • Being in a relaxed and calming space will improve your well-being
  • Your home will be a reflection of you and those that live in it rather than a cookie cutter copy of something you saw elsewhere
  • It will be a place that lets you do the things you enjoy the most
  • You will never want to leave because you will enjoy being at home so much

I hope this has convinced you to start the process towards creating the home of your dreams. Why not start with the kitchen? Download our FREE guide on how to create a warm and inviting kitchen. Click on the button below.