I used to think that the way to a brilliantly styled interior was to buy lots of really nice stuff and bobs your uncle, it’s done and you have a really nice home. How wrong I was. The truth is that the first and most fundamental step to having a beautifully styled interior is to firstly reduce the clutter and secondly to only have things in your home that you love.
I have found time and time again that by removing any excess from your home, it makes it so much easier to see and enjoy your space. However, it is an understatement to say that the act of de-cluttering can be overwhelming. I totally get it. So I thought I’d put together a list of tips together that helped me in the process and will hopefully help you too.
Start Small
The thought of de-cluttering an entire room can be daunting, so instead just do a cupboard or drawer at a time. By taking on the task in small chunks, it becomes easier over time and you won’t run out of steam. Incorporate it into your daily routine and it becomes easier to maintain overtime.
Take a trash bag with you
It’s much easier if you have 2 bags with you when you start. One bag is for trash and the other for donations to charity. This way, the items go straight into the bags and you can easily throw them out or take to the store and you won’t have to go back to clean up a pile of items you have dumped if you get interrupted during the process.
Give away rather than sell
The problem with putting an item on ebay or gumtree is that it takes time to get rid of it. The path of least resistance is always better when it comes to clutter. Just getit out of the house as quickly as possible. Though in this instance I would use your common sense and judgement. If you think you’ll get good money for it, then of course sell it, but if it was a purchase from the pound shop and worthless, then give it away.
Move Items pegged for Charity to the front door 
By placing the items marked for charity by your front door, it is a physical reminder to take the bag with you to drop off to local charity. This means that you have to trip over it whenever you want to go out which will incentivise you to deal with it and take it to the shop and out of the house.
Allocate time every week
After the initial clear out, your home will start to be looking cleaner and more spacious. If you stop at this stage, you will find that the clutter will build up again. It needs to be maintained on a regular basis. By allocating just 10 minutes a week to review the items in your home, you will save yourself the hassle of having to go through the entire de-cluttering process again.
The one in, one out rule
After the decluttering process has taken place, put in place a rule to remove something every time you bring something into the house. This strategy will keep the clutter at bay.
Till next time,
P.S. If you would like to get some help with design ideas and inspiration with a community of supportive home-loving people, please feel free to join our Facebook Group –Interior Advice & Home Decorating Tips – The Laidback Home.  In this group, we will provide you with support, inspiration and ideas for how you can create your own Laidback Home.